Senior Software Developer C# (w/m/x) (relocated to Germany)

Senior Software Developer C# (w/m/x) (relocated to Germany)

15 Oct
Great Britain

15 Oct


Great Britain

Job description

Senior Software Developer C#

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context" : "http : / / / ","@type" : "JobPosting","title" : "Senior Software Developer C#","description" : "The Challengeu003cpu003eu003cspanu003eYou will join at a very interesting moment since we are completely rebuilding the look and feel of the Avira products on Windows.

Instead of having many separate products installed, in the future, we will offer a well-integrated solution with a unique user experience.

You will work closely together with other developers to define the architecture of the new solution, implement functionality using the latest methodologies, write automated tests, analyze customer data and run experiments.

You will keep a good connection to other people around the agile development team, like Product Manager, Designers and Data Analyst to influence possible future features.

u003c / spanu003eu003c / pu003eThe Teamu003cpu003eu003cspanu003eWe are an agile development team with experienced software engineers which is part of the Windows Consumer Suites business unit.

Our cross-functional unit of 30 passionate employees is responsible for developing and marketing Avira’s core offerings on the Windows platform.

u003c / spanu003eu003c / pu003eWhat you will dou003cdivu003eu003cdivu003eu003cdivu003eWith your expertise, you will exert a strong influence on decisions, methods of approach and results in the team.

u003cbru003eu003cbru003eu003culu003eu003cliu003eLay the technological foundation for the global success of our productsu003c / liu003eu003cliu003eCollaborate with the product owner, designers, UX researcher and localization engineers to find the best technical solutions and give feedback about the technical feasibility of new feature requestsu003c / liu003eu003cliu003eDevelop high-quality and highly-secure Windows desktop applications using modern methods in C#, while working in an agile scrum team to leverage the power of a self-responsible and multi-skilled teamu003c / liu003eu003c / ulu003eu003c / divu003eu003c / divu003eu003c / divu003eu003cdivu003eu003cdivu003eu003c / divu003eu003cdivu003eu003cdivu003eu003cpu003eu003cstrongu003ePreferred qualificationsu003c / strongu003eu003c / pu003eu003c / divu003eu003c / divu003eu003c / divu003eu003cdivu003eu003cdivu003eu003cdivu003eu003culu003eu003cliu003eStrong knowledge in developing with C#u003c / liu003eu003cliu003eFollowing SOLID principlesu003c / liu003eu003cliu003eGood understanding of multithreading conceptsu003c / liu003eu003cliu003eExperience in developing modern user interfaces with WPFu003c / liu003eu003c / ulu003eu003c / divu003eu003c / divu003eu003c / divu003e","datePosted" : "2021-02-01T11 : 30 : 16.

098+01 : 00","validThrough" : "2023-02-01T11 : 30 : 16.098+01 : 00","employmentType" : "FULL TIME" ,"identifier" : "@type" : "PropertyValue","name" : "Avira","value" : "https : / / avira-career. / #organization" ,"baseSalary" : "@type" : "MonetaryAmount","currency" : "EUR","value" : "@type" : "QuantitativeValue","minValue" : 0.

0,"maxValue" : 0.0,"unitText" : "MONTH" ,"hiringOrganization" : "@type" : "Organization","@id" : "https : / / avira-career. / #organization","name" : "Avira","sameAs" : "https : / /","logo" : "https : / / app. / assets / public / media / get / 898d75d5-0890-4004-b9f2-af819916117a / 1602057458223 / logo-360X90.png","url" : "https : / / www. / en / company-careers" ,"jobLocation" : "@type" : "Place","address" : "@type" : "PostalAddress","streetAddress" : "-","addressLocality" : "Tettnang","postalCode" : "88069","addressRegion" : "Baden-Württemberg","addressCountry" : "Germany"

Senior Software Developer C#

- Full Time
- Tettnang
- With Professional Experience
- Permanent Contract

We’re an international software company at the forefront of imagining the future of digital security. Avira’s award-winning products and technology protect over 500 million users in the connected world.

What makes us special? First and foremost it’s the authentic people at Avira. We have a great community feeling that fosters your uniqueness and offers the space to reflect, the feedback to grow, and the freedom to innovate.

Apply now

The Challenge

At Avira, our mission is to protect people in the connected world. Cybersecurity is no longer a topic reserved for experts in our increasingly connected, digital world, cyber threats to individuals increase every day.

With a startup mentality and 30 years of experience, Avira is constantly evolving to protect people’s digital lifes. Avira’s M&A; strategy leverages its best in class product portfolio of security and privacy solutions to increase its user base and market share through inorganic growth.

It also contributes to the richness of our offerings by augmenting our technology portfolio with additional products and technologies.

The Challenge

You will join at a very interesting moment since we are completely rebuilding the look and feel of the Avira products on Windows.

Instead of having many separate products installed, in the future, we will offer a well-integrated solution with a unique user experience.

You will work closely together with other developers to define the architecture of the new solution, implement functionality using the latest methodologies, write automated tests, analyze customer data and run experiments.

You will keep a good connection to other people around the agile development team, like Product Manager, Designers and Data Analyst to influence possible future features.

The Team

We are an agile development team with experienced software engineers which is part of the Windows Consumer Suites business unit.

Our cross-functional unit of 30 passionate employees is responsible for developing and marketing Avira’s core offerings on the Windows platform.

What you will do

With your expertise, you will exert a strong influence on decisions, methods of approach and results in the team.

- Lay the technological foundation for the global success of our products
- Collaborate with the product owner, designers, UX researcher and localization engineers to find the best technical solutions and give feedback about the technical feasibility of new feature requests
- Develop high-quality and highly-secure Windows desktop applications using modern methods in C#, while working in an agile scrum team to leverage the power of a self-responsible and multi-skilled team

Preferred qualifications

- Strong knowledge in developing with C#
- Following SOLID principles
- Good understanding of multithreading concepts
- Experience in developing modern user interfaces with WPF

If you are looking for a culture that also encourages aspiration and professional excellence, get in touch with us and discover the Avira experience firsthand.

How we hire

Codility Test

Video interview

Live coding

Homework / Case Study

Leitbild interview


Apply now

Do you have any questions? We are happy to answer them!

Lena Komarek

49 (0) 7542 - 500 - 2207

[email protected]


Modern devices,


and office concept

Gym Card and fitness courses

Private medical care

Learning and Developement offers

Flexible working hours

Relocation package


Although there’s a lot of disruption nowadays due to Covid-19, we at Avira are continuing to run our daily business activities so that we stay true to the promise to our customers - now even more than ever : Protecting people in the connected world.

And we are doing this from the safeness of our own homes. Among other things, this means we are still hiring, but we have moved all our interviews online and all our colleagues are being onboarded remotely

So join us and you will be able to work from home until the danger is over.

- Imprint Privacy Policy

▶️ Senior Software Developer C# (w/m/x) (relocated to Germany)
🖊️ Avira
📍 Great Britain

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